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- Category: F131-3R Instruction Book
- Hits: 627
Driving Instructions
On taking delivery, fill the tanks with fuel and oil respectively. The oil tank should be filled to about 1½" of the top. Take out the gearbox filling plug and the gearbox level plug and pour oil into the filling hole, until it is seen to run out through the level hole. When the flow has stopped replace both plugs.
Do not under any circumstances use grease or any form of gear oil in the gearbox. This is most important.
First see that the gears are in neutral. Turn on the petrol, depress the carburetter tickler once only as it is extremely important that the petrol shall not flood from the carburetter. Set the handlebar air lever full open, i.e. pulled towards the driver and the ignition lever (if machine has not A.T.D) approximately 2 /3rds advanced. Turn the easy starting lever on the carburetter towards the front of the machine, raise the exhaust lifter, engage the kick starter and swing downwards as rapidly as possible. Release exhaust lifter just before crank reaches bottom. After the engine has settled down and is running regularly, after about 10 seconds turn the easy starting lever towards the rear of the machine.
When the engine is hot the easy starting lever should be left facing the rear. Keep Twist grip closed during starting.
When starting from cold always allow a few minutes to elapse after the engine starts before running it up to high revolutions so as to allow the oil to circulate to all parts. Check oil circulation by removing oil filler cap, when oil will be observed running back into the tank through the oil return pipe in the filler cap neck. On starting the engine from cold the return will be practically constant due to the amount of oil which has drained into the sump whilst the machine was stationary and until this surplus is cleared the return flow will exceed normal.
During normal running the return is somewhat intermittent and mixed with air bubbles due partly to the fact that the return pump is practically double the capacity of the feed pump and partly to variations in the amount of oil suspended in the crankcase according to engine speed. For instance upon sudden acceleration the return flow may cease for a time but will of course resume at a greater rate than normal upon deceleration.
Having started the engine, raise the clutch lever on the left-hand side of the handlebar and depress the gear lever as far as it will go. If the gears do not engage at the first attempt do not force the lever, but drag the machine slightly backwards which will alter the position of the gears and make engagement possible, or momentarily release clutch again with the gear lever in neutral, and then make another attempt. Having engaged low gear, release the Clutch gently and at the same time slightly open the throttle, when the engine will take up the load gradually and the machine move away smoothly. Do not release the clutch lever suddenly as the drive is first taken up, as this may stall the engine.
IMPORTANT. Special Note Re. Starting Away.
It is very important not to leave the prop stand down whilst riding the machine so do not forget to push it up before driving away. Always see that the stand works freely and to make sure of this squirt a little oil round the joints of the stand to prevent the stand binding on the pin due to the entrance of dirt or water to the bearing surface.
Speed up the machine by opening the throttle and to change into second gear partly close the throttle, raise the clutch lever and raise the gear lever with the foot to the limit of its travel and release it. Re-engage the clutch by releasing the lever gradually. To change into third speed or top gear repeat this process. When letting in the clutch after making a
change of gear open throttle at the same time. To change to a lower gear disengage the clutch, but do not close the throttle, and press down on the foot gear change lever firmly and decisively to the full limit of its travel. Do not kick the lever. Always make sure that the gear lever is free to return to its normal position. If waders are worn it may be necessary to adjust the lever to clear the foot properly.
For normal running the air lever should be fully or nearly fully open. The clutch should be used only for gear changing, for starting away from rest, and for bringing the Machine to a standstill. It must not be used to control the speed of the Machine by slipping. Do not allow the engine to labour, but change down in good time, and for the first 500 miles at least do not run the engine for long periods at full throttle, and keep the speed below 35 miles per hour. To stop, close the throttle, apply the brakes, and as the Machine slows down withdraw the clutch. Put the gear lever into Neutral and release the clutch immediately.
Note.— On machines with internal foot change always engage first speed and then move lever up to get neutral, Neutral must not be found from second speed as this leaves the centralising spring partly in tension.
Always turn off petrol at the conclusion of a run.