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- Category: Owner's Handbook
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Cleaning The Machine
A well-kept machine is always a pleasure to ride just as one that is neglected and uncared for is very often un¬pleasant to use and more likely to let down the rider. In the course of regular cleaning, small matters needing attention are noticed and can be dealt with in good time and in the reasonable comfort of the garage instead of at the roadside.
The engine and gearbox are best cleaned off by brushing down with paraffin, and finishing off with petrol, which will dry off readily.
The enamelled parts must not be dry cleaned by brushing or wiping off dried mud. This treatment dulls the enamel and wears it off. Soak off mud and dirt with plenty of water from a sponge or soft cloth. If a hose is used do not use a jet. This will be harmful as it will force water and grit into parts such as the brakes, magneto, dynamo, and carburetter. Use only a slow trickle of water. If a bucket is used a little household detergent washing powder (" Surf " or similar brand) will help remove grease and oil from the surfaces to be cleaned.
Dry off with a chamois leather and finish off with a good polish such as " Chemico 49." (Makers : County Chemical Co., Ltd., 561, Stratford Road, Shirley, near Birmingham).
The plated parts can be cleaned with a damp leather or cloth, dry off and then wipe over with a little thin oil (S.A.E.10) or Tekall ' (Makers-20th Century Finishes Ltd., 175-177, Kirkgate, Wakefield).
To prevent the oily surface collecting dust, etc., the oil can be wiped off after application — some of it will have penetrated the plating and will prevent deterioration of the finish.
This treatment is particularly beneficial when the plating is new.
If a polish or cleaner is used it must be one that is suitable for chromium plating. Ordinary metal polishes must not be used.
In some climatic conditions a deposit resembling rust may be seen on the plated ferrous parts. This is a salt deposit and can easily be removed if treated at once with a cleaner such as F.L.P. (Maker—G. H. White, 102, Lowestoft Road, Gorleston, Norfolk). Do not neglect it however otherwise deterioration will progress rapidly. Wipe over with oil or 'Tekall' after cleaning.