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- Category: F131-3R Instruction Book
- Hits: 568
The Lighting Set
Important.—Before making any adjustments to the Headlamp or the Dynamo, disconnect one of the battery terminals (preferably the positive one) otherwise an overheated or burnt-out Ammeter may result, or the Dynamo polarity may be reversed.
Battery.—It is essential to give the battery regular attention, as upon its condition depends the efficiency of the lighting. At least once a month remove the vent plugs from the top of the battery and examine the level of the electrolyte. If necessary, add distilled water to bring the level above the tops of the plates but well short of the bottom of the vent plugs. This operation is best carried out just before commencing a journey when the agitation due to running and the gassing caused by charging will thoroughly mix the solution.
Should the machine be laid up for several months give the battery a small charge from a separate source of electrical energy about once a fortnight in order to obviate any permanent sulphation of the plates. Do not remove the electrolyte from the battery and allow the plates to dry as certain chemical changes take place which result in loss of capacity. It is best to check the specific gravity of the electrolyte by means of a hydrometer as this gives a good indication of the state of charge of the battery.
Specific gravity figures are :-1.285 to 1.300 fully charged, 1.210 half discharged, and 1.150 fully discharged. Never leave the battery in a discharged condition, and unless some long daylight runs are to be made, during which the battery can be charged, remove the battery from the machine and have it charged from an independent supply.
Always see that the connections are clean and tight and to prevent corrosion smear them with vaseline. Loose or dirty battery connections may cause burned out bulbs.
The Dynamo.—The only parts of the dynamo needing attention are the brushes and the commutator. See that the brushes slide freely in their holders and " bed " evenly on the commutator. Clean dirty brushes with a cloth moistened with petrol. Keep the surface of the commutator clean and free from oil and brush dust. To clean up a very dirty commutator very fine glass paper may be used but after cleaning make sure that all traces of dust are cleaned out. Also make sure that the mica insulation between the copper inserts is not standing proud of the copper.
In the unlikely event of any trouble developing with a part of the electrical equipment refer the matter to the makers, whose address will be found on another page.