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- Category: MAC Service Guide (1965)
- Hits: 1841
The Battery
First Charge instructions for Batteries already filled with acid but requiring first charge - Varley Battery.
Normally, machines delivered into the home market leave the works with the battery filled with acid, but uncharged. Correct charging in accordance with the instructions issued by the battery makers is essential. A card of instructions is issued with each new battery.
To make ready for service a filled but uncharged battery, the following instructions should be carried out :
- Remove sealing tape, unscrew vent stoppers, and if fitted, break away sealing discs in the vents.
- Put on charge for 60 hours at 1¼ amps.
- During the whole of the first charge period the electrolyte level should be maintained +-in. above plate/separator block. For this, use distilled water only. Keep vent stoppers in - do not screw down.
- This first charge period should be continuous. If for any major reason the current is cut, the open circuit standing time should be allowed for.
- The charge is complete when all cells are gassing freely and cell voltages remain constant for five consecutive half-hourly readings.
- After charge, allow battery to stand to complete absorption, then, after a period of 30 minutes any electrolyte should be removed. Dry top of battery, screw down vent stoppers and coat terminals and connector bars slightly with vaseline before putting into service.
- A fully charged battery should read at least 6.3 volts. on open circuit.
- Note that the battery must be wired negative terminal to earth.
Battery Maintenance.
In normal use the dynamo will keep the battery well charged, and the only attention which is usually needed is the periodical topping up with distilled water. This should be done after a run with Varley batteries, but is better carried out just before a run in the case of other makes which contain free liquid.
Check the battery about every 1,000 miles running, or more frequently in hot conditions. Remove the lid and vent plugs and inspect the interior.
The Varley battery should have no free liquid in it, but the filling visible on removing the vent plugs must be moist. If seen to be dry add a small amount of distilled water (about one teaspoonful) and allow time for it to be absorbed. Add a little more if needed, but if after ten minutes standing there is free liquid in the cells shake this out before refitting, or charging the battery.
Other types of battery containing free liquid need topping up until the plates are covered. The separators between the plates which are usually higher than the plates, and often mistaken for them, must not be covered.
Overfilling of any battery will cause flooding of the top of the battery when it is charged and the excess liquid may get out and run over parts of the machine, or the rider's clothes, and will be very destructive due to its corrosive nature. Further, an electrical leakage can take place across a damp or wet battery top causing gradual discharge of the battery when standing.
Never leave a battery standing unused in a partly or fully discharged state. See " Storage."
Battery Storage.
Should a battery have been in use, or have been filled and charged for the first time, and it becomes necessary to store it, it is essential first to see that it is properly topped up, clean, dry externally and the terminals greased. It must also be fully charged.
Do not in any circumstances empty a "wet" battery.
During storage the battery must be given a monthly "livening" charge of 1 ampere for 8 hours.