- Details
- Category: Rigid Frame MAC Service Manual
- Hits: 981
This Service Manual is issued as a guide to the complete maintenance and repair of the rigid frame MAC Model, and includes the information usually given in an Owners' Handbook.
Special tools and equipment essential for the completion of certain jobs are described and it is earnestly hoped that Agents and Repairers will equip their workshops with any of this equipment that they do not already have. By using the correct tools for the job in hand much time is saved and there is less risk of damage to components.
Private owners who like to do their own repairs are advised to entrust to the nearest Velocette Agent or Repairer any work for which they lack the correct tools, and not to undertake anything likely to prove beyond their capabilities to complete satisfactorily.
In order to cover the MOV and rigid frame MSS models which are no longer in production special references are made to these machines where necessary. Where the text does not apply in strict detail to some old machines still in commission the reader should ask for our advice upon any point that is not quite clear. Any such enquiries will be promptly and fully answered.
F50 /7R /2M /10 /55.
Veloce Limited,
P.O. Box 275, Hall Green,
Birmingham 28.
Oct., 1955.